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Recognized by industry leaders for extensive coverage on African Asset Management

November 2024

The AGF magazine can be read online as a flipbook or downloaded (PDF or offline reader).


This month, our cover story focuses on African female entrepreneurs. Dorothy Nyambi of Mennonite Economic Development Associates; Mimi Kalinda of Africa Communications Media Group (ACG); and Joy Anderson of Criterion Institute, say that women are Africa’s economic backbone. They comprise 58% of Africa's self-employed population and contribute 13% to the continent's GDP, however despite their contributions, female entrepreneurs still struggle more relative to men. Read on pp. 14-15.

In addition, Feroz Hematally of IQ-EQ, shares his thoughts about Mauritius’s strategic role in the China-Africa trade and investment partnership. He says that Mauritius represents an unparalleled opportunity for Chinese investors looking to establish or expand their operations into the greater African continent. More on p.13.

This month, we also spoke with Nieros Oyegun Sørensen, Partner and Chief Operating Officer at Verod about unique opportunities in Africa, regional integration between Francophone and Anglophone Africa and the firm’s investments.. Read our interview on p.16-17.

Finally, we look into Corporate Venture Capital and how it is increasingly making its mark in Africa. The potential for corporate venturing to unlock innovation is clear—what remains is for Africa’s businesses to seize the opportunity and lead the charge into a new era of growth and innovation (p.22).

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