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Recognized by industry leaders for extensive coverage on African Asset Management

July 2019

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In this month’s issue of Africa Global Funds, we learn about opportunities in Africa’s emerging green bond market. Evans Osano of FSD Africa writes about developments in SSA, and outlines benefits and risks of investing (pp.14-15).

Meanwhile, Melissa Moore of Futuregrowth Asset Management, analyses South African banking sector. She writes that the outcome of the global financial crisis led regulators and central banks the world over to re-look at the way banks are regulated and governed. Read on to find what has changed in the South African context and how investors should approach their exposure to banks on pp.16-17.

In addition, Paul Kamau of Finaltus shares his thoughts on the global shift towards independent transaction advisory firms from the dominant players on p.22.

Don’t miss our two premier events happening on October 24 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Save the date for the 1st AGF PE Fund Operations Forum ( and the 4th annual Service Providers Awards ( It’s free to enter the Awards, and there are 43 categories this year! 

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