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Recognized by industry leaders for extensive coverage on African Asset Management

January 2017

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Happy New Year! As 2017 kicks off, we caught up with experts to discuss opportunities in Africa for this year. Despite challenges experienced in previous years, one should not forget that the African region remains one the fastest growing regions in the world. Which factors will drive performance this year? Which markets and sectors look promising? Read on to find more from our panelists (pp.12-16).

In this month’s issue we also looked at things that shaped the markets in 2016. Oliver Hoffmann of 27Four Investment Managers writes that it has now been two and a half years since the US Dollar began its +25% appreciation and the underperformance of African equity markets feels as if it has no end. Read on to find more about FX challenges, lessons and observations (pp.18-19).

On the private equity front, Sally Hutton of Webber Wentzel provided Private Equity and Venture Capital Dealmakers Review of 2016. Statistics show a significant year-on-year increase in deal flow. Find out whether high level of activity is set to continue (pp. 20-21)

In addition, experts from Linklaters and Webber Wentzel argue that Africa is gaining prominence as a target destination for a more diverse group of investors. Recently, more traditional fund investors seem to have an increased appetite for investment in Africa-focused funds. Learn what it means for fund managers and what challenges they are experiencing (p.26).

Finally, find more about new deals from Lucid Ventures and why the firm is focusing on food and hospitality sectors in South Africa (p.17).

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