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Recognized by industry leaders for extensive coverage on African Asset Management

February 2017

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In this month’s issue of AGF we focus on development finance institutions (DFIs) and their role in the African private equity space. We learn that DFI capital will likely remain important for helping to support new and growing fund managers in Africa for the foreseeable future. Read on to find more about opportunities and benefits for PE funds as well as DFI’s investment objectives for the next decade (pp.13-15).

On the private equity front, we also catch up with Ed Stumpf and Dhesen Moodley of Investment African Infrastructure Investment Managers to learn about the largest private equity exit for toll road infrastructure to date. Last year the fund manager sold investments in three privately-concessioned toll roads in Southern Africa. Find more about the infrastructure exits track record and learn how to achieve a successful exit in the infrastructure PE space (pp. 16-17).

Meanwhile, Albert Alsina of Mediterrania Capital Partners shares his views on the importance of value creation. Because of the unique value creation process adopted by his firm, their portfolio companies are growing far beyond the markets where they are playing and are setting the right foundation that will allow them to keep performing in the future years (pp.18-19).

In this month’s edition, we also speak with Jonathan Kruger of Africa Merchant Capital (AMC) to learn more about the company’s Sub-Sahara Fund (p. 20). Finally, Doye Balogun of Mayer Brown discusses the AfDB Borrowing Programme for this year and his  expectations on what can be achieved (p.26).

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