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SC Ventures and Yabx Invest $10m to Setup Furaha

Anna Lyudvig
Jan. 27, 2025, 1:36 p.m.

Word count: 525

SC Ventures, Standard Chartered’s innovation, fintech investment and ventures arm, and Yabx Technologies (Netherlands), a company of Tech Mahindra group, a global provider of technology consulting and digital solutions to enterprises across industries, have signed a set of shareholder and technology collaboration agreements to formalise their joint investment in Furaha. 

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SC Ventures, Standard Chartered’s innovation, fintech investment and ventures arm, and Yabx Technologies (Netherlands), a company of Tech Mahindra group, a global provider of technology consulting and digital solutions to enterprises across industries, have signed a set of shareholder and technology collaboration agreements to formalise their joint investment in Furaha. 

SC Ventures has invested $ 7m, while Yabx BV has contributed through technology transfer, resulting in a combined investment of $10m in Furaha. Incubated by SC Ventures, and co-founded by Yustus Aribariho and Ian Fernandes, Furaha is a purpose-driven lending platform aiming to make finance accessible across sub-Saharan Africa, with its first offering being in the education financing space. 

Furaha is headquartered in UAE’s Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and extending its offerings to local operating markets in Africa, starting with Uganda as its first market.

“We are glad to partner with like-minded innovators like Yabx and Tech Mahindra who share our vision of increasing financial inclusion and access. The partnership will help enhance purpose-driven financing in Africa and supports our work to rewire the DNA in banking,” said Alex Manson, CEO, SC Ventures.

“This partnership with SC Ventures is a big moment for Yabx. It marks our first step into the education financing space. The long-term impact of a partnership like this is huge, and we’re excited to work with Furaha as they positively impact education outcomes in Uganda and other African countries  in the coming months,” said Rajat Dayal, CEO, Yabx.

Africa has the youngest demographics globally with over 600 million children under the age of 18. 

An education financing platform like Furaha could positively impact families across the continent. Furaha leverages Yabx’s nimble future-ready platform with AI driven alternate lending capabilities, with SC Ventures’ deep understanding of banking and risk management to reduce the cost of delivering purpose-driven lending products and widen financial inclusion across underserved segments in Africa.

Among the biggest expenses families have to account for is the cost for good quality education for their children. Most parents lack adequate liquidity or access to short-term borrowing instruments — like credit cards or affordable, digital loans — and regularly face challenges paying school fees on time. Delayed or unpaid school fees often results in children unable to continue or complete their education, which impacts their future prospects and importantly the community and country’s development. The challenge is especially acute for parents with monthly incomes under $500.  

Furaha offers a much-needed solution for parents and schools by creating a rich ecosystem of data for credit scoring and enabling commercial banks to channel affordable credit towards education financing. Furaha has started offering loan products in Uganda with partners including Opportunity Bank, SchPay and MTN MoMo and plans are underway to expand to other countries in Africa.

“The transformative power of purpose-driven financing lies in its ability to bridge gaps in access and opportunity, particularly in regions like Africa. This strategic partnership aims to make financial solutions more inclusive and impactful. It's indeed an exciting beginning, and we look forward to collaborating with SC Ventures on many such initiatives that redefine financial empowerment and drive innovation globally," said Mohit Joshi, CEO and Managing Director, Tech Mahindra.

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